Grade 6: Mission Impossible

The Grade 6 students have been learning about prepositions and giving directions. To wrap up the two weeks of classes, I put together a Mission Impossible for the students to achieve “Team Possible” status.


Mission One: Scavenger Hunt
The students got mission cards and had to search for six items in the classroom that I’ve placed. I made sure to organize the mission cards so that the different groups would ideally be looking for different things at the same time. In order to keep the groups of students focused and on task, I added a new rule in which all the students in the team must come together to submit their mission card or else it wouldn’t be valid.


Mission Two: Welcome to the — Museum!
Students had to create a museum advertisement, using all the key expressions that they’ve been working on.



Mission Three: Draw the Map!
The final mission had the students filling in a map. I had created two different versions of the directions – one that’s very straight-forward and step-by-step. Another that mixes the directions around and we decided to challenge the students with the slightly more complicated one. The only challenge with this was clearing up with the students which part of the page is “behind” and which is “in front of.”


The students had fun to say the least. They got a little crazy and hectic especially during the scavenger hunt. And thus, my co-teacher and I had to create more rules just to ensure that there was still some sense of order and decorum in the classroom. Mission Impossible, success!




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